
Artwork: Steen, Jan. “Baptism (“So De Oude Songen, So Pypen De Jongen”).” n.d.
Unless otherwise noted, all definitions are from the Catholic Encyclopedia.1
- Baptism of blood
- “The baptism of blood (baptismus sanquinis) is the obtaining of the grace of justification by suffering martyrdom for the faith of Christ.”
- Baptism of desire
- “The baptism of desire (baptismus flaminis) is a perfect contrition of heart, and every act of perfect charity or pure love of God which contains, at least implicitly, a desire (votum) of baptism.”
- Collectio Rituum
- Translates literally to “collection of rites.” This book is an abridged version of the Rituale Romanum, with a mix of Latin and vernacular texts. It is intended as a “pocket version” of the Rituale, with the most commonly used rites and blessings.
- Conditional baptism
- “If it be uncertain whether the convert’s baptism was valid or not, then he is to be baptized conditionally. In such cases the ritual is: “If thou art not yet baptized, then I baptize thee in the name”, etc.”
- Latin Mass
- The normative Mass of the Roman Rite until the Novus Ordo in 1969-1970. Also called the Extraordinary Form, Mass of St. Gregory the Great, the Tridentine Mass/Rite, or the old Mass.
- Missale Romanum
- The book of texts for the Catholic Mass.
- Novus Ordo
- The normative Mass of the Roman Rite promulgated by Pope St. Paul VI in 1969-1970. Also called the Ordinary Form, the new Mass.
- Private baptism
- “Private baptism is that which may be administered at any time or place according to the exigencies of necessity.”
- Rite
- “A Rite represents an ecclesiastical, or church, tradition about how the sacraments are to be celebrated.” 2
- Rituale Romanum
- The book of texts, rubrics, and instructions for Catholic rituals and sacraments.
Solemn baptism :“Solemn baptism is that which is conferred with all the rites and ceremonies prescribed by the Church.”
Fanning, William. “Baptism.” In Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. ↩︎
“Catholic Rites and Churches.” EWTN, 2007, ↩︎